Latest Newsletter

Empowering you to own your health. Resources and insight to build self-efficacy and regain control of your health care journey.

Community Webinar

Join us Tuesday, July 30 2024 from 5-6 pm EST. This is the first webinar for community members. Let’s start the conversation about what it means to regain control of your healthcare journey.

CrossFit Updates

The CFMS works in partnership with CrossFit, LLC. We’ll use this space to share collaborative events, courses and more.

CrossFit Medical Society™ Highlights

We are here to take care of each other. Together, we have the power to strengthen what any individual is capable of. We are excited to share the stories of people who have changed their lives with the support of their community and the CrossFit methodology.

  • We to highlight how CrossFit has changed the health of someone in your community. Share their store here.

  • What us to showcase work you’re dong in your affiliate? Emails us!

  • We’ll be highlighting providers who are working to help make CrossFit the prescription.